Getting to Know Your Gardyn's Care Cycle


Caring for your Gardyn is similar to caring for individual plants in that while there are different steps and stages, they are all in a cycle. You'll get the hang of this simple routine in no time. Plus, Kelby and the app will help guide members on all the details!

1. Seed to Sprout (weeks 1-4)

Once you set up your Gardyn, turn it on, and pair it with your app, your plants will receive their first watering within a matter of hours. This kicks off your seeds' germination, during which they come to life. You'll see your first sprouts within a few days. This special time on your Gardyn is called Germination Mode.


Germination times vary across varieties, and sometimes even among seeds of the same plant! Most plants sprout within about 2 weeks, and all should sprout within 28 days. For variety-specific germination times, check out your plants’ pages in the Plant Book online or in the app.

If you reach Day 29 and still don't see a sprout, reach out to us! We're happy to replace any yCubes that do not germinate after 28 days.

2. Add your first sprout dose of plant food (weeks 2-4)

Kelby will tell you when the majority of your plants are ready for their first taste of plant food, which we call a sprout dose because it is half the strength you'll add later when your plants are more mature. Any yCube with growth above the rockwool is ready for a sprout dose of plant food, which helps your seedlings start to transition to their next growth phase.

3. Thin for Success (weeks 2-6)

To give the best chances of germination success, each yCube is usually seeded with 6 seeds (for big seeds like peas, we use 3 seeds per yCube). Each stem or sprout coming from the yCube is its own plant, and it's normal for many to sprout at once. This means you need to thin (remove) some plants within each yCube to ensure the remaining plant or plants have enough access to water, nutrients, light, and space as they continue to grow. 

Most fruiting plants and leafy greens should be thinned to 1 plant per yCube, while most herbs and bushy plants such as watercress and flowers should be thinned to 3 plants per yCube. Our guide has the details on every variety so you can thin with confidence.


We know thinning can be hard when you're excited about your first sprouts, but remember: most of the sprouts are edible, so you'll enjoy an early taste of your plants while ensuring the ones left to mature will be that much more productive and healthy (read as: you'll get more food!)

4. Water & Feed

Kelby will take care of watering your plants daily, but it's up to you to supply your Gardyn with fresh water and, eventually, plant food! Kelby will help you learn when it's time to add plant food for the first time, so be sure to start with just 3 gallons of water in your tank (this is the same for both Gardyn Home and Studio). Otherwise, plant food can actually hinder germination.

Once you have plant food in your tank, you'll be topping off your tank (filling it up) with fresh water and plant food about once a week, and refreshing the tank (doing a quick clean and refill) about once a month.

For the cleanest and healthiest Gardyn inside and out, we also recommend adding a dose of HydroBoost to your water along with your top-offs and tank refreshes after you start adding plant food.

5. Keep it Clean

Post-plant food HydroBoost use is a great start to keeping your Gardyn clean. You'll also want to keep your Gardyn's lid and surrounding area swept clean of any plant debris that might fall as a natural result of care and harvesting. Keep up your weekly tank top-offs and monthly tank refreshes to keep your plants healthy and your device running smoothly, and as a result, you'll have a happy and resilient Gardyn.

6. Arrange Plants

In case you missed our suggested placements for each of your varieties at set-up, don't sweat it! Your Gardyn is intentionally designed to create different light intensity zones depending on the spot in each column, so use our guide to ensure each of your plants is in its best spot for its long-term growth.

7. Read the Roots

Roots are the foundation of your plants and have many functions, so it's crucial to show them care. Roots provide the anchor needed to keep the plant in place, and they act as a lifeline by taking up air, water, and nutrients. There's even such a thing as roots that grow above the rockwool! Once your plants start to mature, it's best to check the roots every 2-4 weeks. Combine root checks with harvesting or refreshing your tank for a simplified routine.


Healthy roots growing out of a yCube

8. Trim, Prune, & Pollinate

Most plants on Gardyn don't require intensive care, but some require pruning, which means intentionally trimming away sections of the plant to increase or improve another aspect of its growth. Pruning can be especially helpful on Gardyn Studio due to its compact size.

Most (but not all) fruiting plants, like Cherry Tomatoes, Sweet Peppers, and Jalapeños, to name a few, also require pollination so they can form fruit. Each Plant Book page (including on the app) will let you know if your varieties need any special care, including extra support from a Plant Belt, or Trellis for vining plants.

9. Harvest, Enjoy, & Repeat

By taking care of your Gardyn, you'll be rewarded with many tasty, healthy, and regenerative harvests. Leafy greens and herbs are excellent at growing continuously while you partially harvest them, and fruiting plants typically produce multiple waves of crops when well taken care of. For inspiration on how to use your bounty, check out your varieties' pages in the Plant Book (also in the app)!

10. Order Replacement Plants

All plants have a natural end to their life cycle, often called bolting. You may also want to switch out your plants earlier to try new plants as we release them, or simply to change up what's on your plate! For our fastest time from seed to plate, try growing Microgreens in a Nursery on your Gardyn's lid and harvest withina few days. Members can use their 10 monthly credits to purchase new yCubes and Microgreens!


Questions? Reach us at, or chat with us. We're here to help!