Discovering Microgreens


What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are young seedlings of edible vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Unlike mature crops that take weeks or months to grow, you can harvest and eat Microgreens in as soon as 7 days when they are just a few inches tall! Because you harvest Microgreens at the seedling state, they have concentrated levels of nutrients and flavor, and can come in many varieties.

Which varieties of Microgreens can I grow?

We currently offer Broccoli, Red Acre Cabbage, Kalefetti, Mild Blend, Arugula, Purple Kohlrabi, Spicy Blend, Lemon Basil, Carrot, Red Lace Mustard, and Shiso Microgreens. Learn more about each variety here, or click to shop!


From left to right: Red Acre Cabbage, Kalefetti, Mild Blend, Purple Sango Radish, Arugula, Purple Kohlrabi, and Spicy Blend Microgreens

Are Microgreens the same as sprouts? What about Baby Greens?

Each of these are different and unique stages of plant growth.


  • Sprouts are the first stage of a seed's growth, eaten just after germination and before cotyledons fully show.

  • Microgreens are the second stage of a plant’s growth, marked by early root growth and the appearance of the cotyledons. Plants in this stage have even more flavor and nutrients than if the same plant were to fully mature.

  • Baby Greens are the third stage of a plant's growth, starting with the first true leaves to emerge (following the cotyledons). Plants in this stage taste less intense than the Microgreens stage, and more closely match the flavors of the mature plant. Baby Greens offer a more substantial, leafy texture than Microgreens while still providing more nutrition than the mature plant would.

Why should I grow and eat Microgreens?

Microgreens are a quick and easy way to add great flavor, nutrients, and freshness to your diet. Plus, they are exciting to grow, and count as vegetables! Microgreens provide up to 40% more nutrients than their mature counterparts. They add an intense flavor pop to food, and add vibrant colors to any dish. Despite their size, Microgreens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants offering a wide range of health benefits. 

How do you use Microgreens?

Often referred to as “plant confetti” or “plant sprinkles”, Microgreens are incredibly easy to incorporate into your meals, and can add a boost of flavor and nutrients to any dish. Try your Microgreens by mixing them into salads or layering into sandwiches, burgers, and tacos. They're also great on eggs, and for garnishing drinks or soup!


How nutritious are Microgreens?

Because you harvest Microgreens at the seedling state, their nutrient levels are extremely concentrated - up to 40% greater than their mature counterparts! Microgreens offer a nutritional punch rich with potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper. Microgreens are also a great source of beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals offering a wide range of health benefits.

Are Microgreens easy to grow?

We’ve made growing Microgreens easy with our Microgreen Kits! All of the varieties we offer are easily grown using the same simple steps and materials. All you need to do is add potable water to your clean nursery and pop in a Microgreens plate with a bamboo wick and seed pad. Then, step back and watch them grow!

Watch videos and find more germination resources in the app's Sprout School!

Do I need a Gardyn to grow Microgreens? What about a nursery?

We design our Microgreens to flourish in our Sprout Nursery. That means all you need to get growing is a clean nursery, and not a Gardyn.   


Where is the best place to put my nursery to grow my Microgreens? Do they need a special light to grow?

The best place to put your nursery is either on the lid of your Gardyn if you have one, or in direct sunlight by a warm window. You do not need LED lights to grow your Microgreens, but they will grow faster on your Gardyn’s lid due to the consistent light.

Can I germinate yCubes alongside my Microgreens in the nursery at the same time?

Yes! We recommend soaking your yCubes first, then adding them to the Nursery with water up to the fill line inside the tray squares so they can happily coexist with your Microgreens. Learn more here, or head to the app's Sprout School!

Need a nursery? Click here to order!


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