Evaluating sprouts' growth to move yCubes to your Gardyn: Are your plants ready for plant food?


When you're sprouting new yCubes in a Nursery (or tray with a vented lid), you need to know when your plants are ready to add to your Gardyn. What "ready for plant food" means depends on your sprouts' growth, and how much plant food is in your Gardyn.

Ready for a first dose of plant food

When starting your first set of plants on your Gardyn, Kelby will tell you precisely when your plants are ready for their first dose of plant food with a task in the app. If you're starting or continuing to germinate plants in a Nursery to add to your Gardyn, you should see growth above the yCubes' surface before placing them on a Gardyn with your first dose of plant food in it.

Ready for a full dose of plant food

When your Gardyn has a full dose of plant food in it (meaning you've already refreshed the tank once since adding plant food for the first time), plants must be slightly more developed to withstand the higher amount of plant food. A plant only needs to meet 1 of the following 3 signs to be moved to your Gardyn with a full dose of plant food.

Full Dose Ready, Sign 1: True leaves

These are the second set of leaves to grow after the first leaves, which are called cotyledons. While cotyledons may not resemble the mature plant's leaf shape or color, true leaves do.

  • Tip: If you're unsure what your plant looks like when mature, check out its page in the Plant Book!

Learn more about differentiating cotyledons from true leaves here.

Kale cotyledons (left) and later with true leaves (right)

Full Dose Ready, Sign 2: Roots .5-inch long from the bottom of the yCube

Roots this length are mature enough to handle the added nutrients, while less developed roots can be too shocked to efficiently absorb them.

plant food ready root half inch_highlight.jpeg

Half-inch roots growing out from the bottom of a Chives yCube

Full Dose Ready, Sign 3: Yellowing cotyledons

The first leaves run out of nutrients as germination comes to a close, which can lead to yellowing or withering.


Yellowing cotyledons after a true leaf has grown

Any plant that shows just 1 of these 3 signs can be added to a Gardyn with a full dose of plant food in it.

Questions? Reach us at support@mygardyn.com, or chat with us! We're here to help.