Plant Food

Evaluating Sprouts' Growth: Are your plants ready for plant food?
Adding plant food too early or too late can harm young plants, so the right timing is key. Kelby will help remind you when to evaluate your Gardyn's g...
Moving yCubes Not Ready for Plant Food from Gardyn to Nursery
After you've evaluated your plants to learn whether they're ready for plant food , Kelby will assign you a task to move any yCubes that don’t meet 1 ...
Adding Plant Food to your Tank After Germinating on your Gardyn
This guide applies to when Kelby sends you the task to add plant food to your water tank for the first time after germinating new yCubes directly on...
Checking yCubes Germinating off your Gardyn: Are they ready for plant food?
Once you've moved yCubes from your Gardyn to your Nursery (or a tray with a ventilated lid) to continue germinating, it's important to check their dev...
Reviving yCubes from Premature Plant Food Exposure
If unsprouted yCubes or yCubes that are not ready for plant food are on your Gardyn and they've already received a watering with plant food in your sy...
Dissolving Plant Food to Top Off Your Tank
Kelby will let you know when it's time to top off your tank along with how much water and plant food to add through a task in the app. Whenever you ne...
Why Measuring Plant Food Matters
Does more plant food mean bigger, healthier plants? You may be surprised to learn the answer is "No". If given the chance with too much plant food, pl...
What is the plant food made of? Is it organic?
Gardyn plant food is mineral-based to give plants access to the nutrients they need in a way that helps keep your device clean. These ingredients are ...
Where can I buy more plant food for my Gardyn?
You can order plant food in the app and on the website . One order of plant food lasts approximately 3-6 months, so you may only add one package to y...