Strawberry Arrival Guide


Congrats, you just ordered or received your Strawberries!

Do NOT store Strawberries upon arrival! Unlike other yCubes, which start from seed, these Strawberries are bare root plants. They will arrive as dormant plants with roots pre-grown for a shorter time to first harvest. While they may not look like much upon arrival, within a few days of being prepped and placed on your Gardyn, your Strawberries will bounce back to life and begin growing new, green leaves.

As soon as you have them, follow these quick and easy steps so you can plant your Strawberries on your Gardyn right away!


  • You cannot have unsprouted yCubes and Strawberries on the same Gardyn as the plant food needed for the Strawberries will prevent the yCubes from sprouting.

  • You can place Strawberries on a Gardyn that has a sprout dose of plant food in it.

  • Ensure your Gardyn is not in Germination mode when growing Strawberries so they can receive sufficient waterings.

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Strawberries upon arrival

Step 1: Trim the roots to ~2 inches long

Each Strawberry plant ranges in root mass size upon arrival. Trimming the roots down to around 2 inches helps your Strawberry fit properly in its yPod, and it creates space for new root growth.

Step 2: Rinse the whole plant (top & roots!)

Rinse away any excess dirt and sand on the Strawberry plant so these particles don't enter your Gardyn and cause unwanted build-up. While the sandy blend prevents your Strawberries from molding or rotting during shipping, the plant no longer needs this material on your Gardyn.

Rinse your plant under a running sink, being sure to get the top of the plant and the roots. Don't worry if the rockwool gets wet, but try not to oversaturate it (don't hold just the rockwool under the water!).

Think you're seeing pests on your Strawberries upon arrival? This is highly unlikely, and instead you are most likely noticing the sandy grit left on the Strawberries from transit. If you're still seeing this after rinsing, it's time for a more thorough rinse!

Step 3: Plant Your Bare Root Strawberries on your Gardyn!

Strawberries do best in the center (maximum light intensity zone) of your Gardyn, but can grow in moderate light intensity zones as well. Pop them in and watch them grow!

There's no need to further thin your Strawberries, as each yCube arrives with only 1 live plant.

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Within two weeks, you should see your Strawberries’ foliage spread out and new, white roots growing.

Master Gardyner Tip:

Set your Strawberries up for success by refreshing your tank when you plant them! Strawberries thrive in fresh water and balanced nutrients.

To learn how to care for your Strawberries once they’re on your Gardyn, check out our Strawberry Care Guide.

Questions? Reach us at, or chat with us! We're here to help.