

Latin name: Salvia rosmarinus (Rosmarinus officinalis)

🌱 Days to Sprout: 15-25

😋 Plant food: after true leaves 

✂️ Thin to: 1 plant per yCube

🍅 Days to Maturity: 42

💡 Light Zone: Minimum

📏 Plant Size: 1 ft

💚 Care Level: Beginner


Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean. Its Latin name comes from “ros marinus”, which means “dew of the sea” and refers to its drought-hardiness, moving some to insist that Rosemary could thrive on little more than the ocean breeze. Rosemary was considered sacred to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. 


Rosemary produces small, dark green, fragrant leaves that resemble pine needles. It also grows flowers in beautiful shades of white, blue, and purple. Rosemary helps deter pests and acts as a natural sentinel in your Gardyn. While the leaves have little nutritional value, its fragrant oils and phytochemicals are strong in antioxidant properties, could potentially lower blood sugar, and have been known to improve brain health.


Rosemary has a piney, astringent flavor and aroma with citrus notes. It’s best used as a seasoning for savory foods and meats, or prepared as an herbal tea. You can also blend it with Oregano and Thyme as the foundation for a simple herbal seasoning. A little goes a long way!

Care & Harvest

✂️ Pruning: Remove leaves with brown spots if they appear. Check the roots monthly and trim any that are brown or extending past the yPod

🔎 Plant Health: Spider mites are a common pest, but you can use our prevention and treatment tricks to keep pests at bay! 

🌿 Harvest: Wait to harvest until the plant reaches 8 inches tall to let this slow-growing herb establish itself. To harvest, remove the top half of one or more branches, then separate the leaves from the stem if desired.

Harvest To Plate Recipe

Rosemary Lemon Pasta

Recipe Source: Love & Lemons


  • 4-6 ounces spaghetti or linguini (reserve some pasta water)

  • 1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs

  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh Rosemary

  • 2 cups fresh Kale or Swiss Chard

  • 1 clove minced garlic

  • 1-2 lemons (plus zest)

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • Salt, to taste

  • Toasted sliced almonds as topping, to taste (optional)

  • Red pepper flakes, to taste (optional)


1) Cook your pasta in salty, boiling water until al dente.

2) While your pasta cooks, toast the Panko, rosemary, and a pinch of salt in a medium/large skillet. When the Panko starts to brown a little bit, remove the mixture from the pan and set aside.

3) Wipe out the pan and add a drizzle of olive oil, the greens, a few pinches of salt, the minced garlic, and a good squeeze of lemon. Cook until the greens are mostly wilted (a few minutes).

4) Add the pasta, and toss with a small dab of butter, a squeeze of lemon, and some reserved pasta water if necessary to loosen it up. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil.

5) Remove from heat and toss with the rosemary and Panko mixture, toasted almonds, a bit of lemon zest, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Taste, and adjust seasonings as needed.

Our Plant Health & Nutrition Team thoroughly tests each variety we offer to bring you the most flavorful and high-quality plants. We regularly rotate our plant portfolio, so please note, availability varies.