Germination Tips for Optimal Growth


Germination can be exciting (sprouts!) but there is also a healthy dose of waiting for something to happen. Follow our tips here and in the app's Sprout School to minimize your wait time and help your seeds begin their journey toward healthy, beautiful harvests!

Tip 1: When germinating yCubes off your Gardyn, soak them to kick off their growth.

Why it matters: Soaking gives your seeds the perfect amount of hydration to signal that it's time to start growing, without overwhelming them with water. While the Nursery is the best option to boost germination speed and success, you may also use a tray with a ventilated lid to get started.  Learn more in the app's Sprout School, or here

Tip 2: Wherever you're germinating new yCubes, don't add any plant food to the water!

This includes the water in your Sprout Nursery or tray. If you’re starting fresh with all new yCubes on your Gardyn, start with a light cleaning of your device to ensure all previous plant food residues are washed out of your device.

Why it matters: Seeds contain all the nutrients they need to kickstart germination and grow their first leaves. Adding plant food too early overwhelms the seed and shuts germination down. Let Kelby help guide you in learning when it’s best to add plant food based on your plants’ growth.

Tip 3: Always remove yCubes’ cardboard covers before germinating, and never use yCovers while germinating.

Why it matters: Both will lock in moisture and inhibit germination. Only use yCovers after you see true leaves and you’ve thinned your sprouts.

Tip 4: When germinating on your Gardyn, let Kelby handle your light and water schedules.

Why it matters: The rockwool in yCubes is very absorbent and doesn't require as much water as soil to germinate seeds. Keep your watering schedule on the pre-set mode to ensure your seeds get just enough water.

You can adjust the light schedule in the app to match your household rhythms, but we recommend maintaining 14-16 hours of light on Boost Mode daily. A smiley face in the Light Schedule on your app will let you know if your plants are getting enough light. Too little light leads to pale and leggy sprouts, while too much causes leaf discoloration and stresses your plants.

Tip 5: In the app, periodically check the temperature and humidity levels of the room where you use your Gardyn.

To find these readings, from your app home screen tap the gear icon in the top right corner to get to Settings, then tap the Advanced tab. Humidity and temperature are listed at the bottom.

Why it matters: The ideal germination environment is in the 70°F, with humidity around 65-75%. If your readings tend to fall on either extreme of these conditions, your seeds may struggle to germinate. 

Tip 6: If you’re germinating yCubes in a Nursery or tray, cover them using the Nursery’s lid (or a vented lid), place on your Gardyn’s tank, and check moisture levels daily.

Why it matters: A vented lid helps control the temperature and humidity for your seeds, producing the ideal environment for sprouting.

While seeds don’t need light, placing your germinating yCubes on your Gardyn’s lid gives your seeds a boost from the lights’ radiant heat. It’s the perfectly warm hug your seeds crave!

Seeds need just enough moisture to sprout; too much can drown them! Only add more water to your Nursery or tray once it is entirely gone.

Remember, even under the best conditions, germination times vary across varieties, and sometimes even among seeds of the same plant! Some plants take up to 28 days to sprout. For variety-specific germination times, check out your plants’ pages in the Plant Book.

Check on your yCubes daily to discover their progress. Once you start seeing sprouts, it’s time to take a closer look at those leaves - click here to learn what comes next! 

Questions? Reach us at, or chat with us. We're here to help!