How to Set Up & Grow Microgreens


Follow these quick, easy steps to properly assemble your Microgreens so they can start germinating. Soon you'll be enjoying their macro rewards! 

For more germination videos and resources, including how to soak and germinate yCubes or germinate Microgreens together with yCubes, check out Sprout School in the app!


  1. Insert tray to base and add water up to the line within each tray square.

  2. Assemble Microgreens by threading 1 bamboo wick through each support plate using the holes on opposite sides of the indent on the top of the plate.

  3. Place each plate in a square in the Nursery’s tray.

  4. Top each plate with a seed pad so that the cover paper is face-up. Mist or pour water over the top of the seed pads to saturate the cover paper.

  5. Add the Nursery’s lid and place the Nursery on your Gardyn’s lid.

Tip: Hand wash your Nursery monthly, or between uses, whichever comes first.

Monitor Hydration Levels & Growth

Ensure the wicks can always reach the waterline. Add more water if the level starts to drop.

Microgreens will naturally push off their cover paper as they grow, so you should be able to gently remove it when it’s loose. If you have to tug, it’s not ready!

The exception is if your Microgreens have passed their cover paper removal day according to the variety's growth timeline, or the sprouts look ready (where visible), but there is just 1 small area of the paper sticking. In this case, it's best to liberally mist the top paper with clean water to help break down the food-safe glue and gently remove the paper while wet to keep your sprouts' development on track.

Remove the Nursery’s lid when you remove the cover paper to increase airflow as your Microgreens grow.

Watch for Harvest or Plant Food Readiness

Microgreens are ready to harvest when the cotyledons fully open like a book, or you can transfer them to your Gardyn to grow into Baby Greens when roots are ~2 inches long.

How do I time my Microgreens to harvest different varieties simultaneously?

We did the math so you don't have to. We recommend three different groupings that, when started according to our planting guide, you'll be able to harvest as Microgreens or Baby Greens around roughly the same time.

cropped Microgreens Planting Guide (3).png

Questions? Reach us at, or chat with us. We're here to help!