Adding Plant Food to your Tank After Germinating on your Gardyn


This guide applies to when Kelby sends you the task to add plant food to your water tank for the first time after germinating new yCubes directly on your Gardyn because you either:

  1. Germinated your Welcome Kit of yCubes on your Gardyn, or

  2. Started fresh with a new generation of plants on your Gardyn.

Need to do a routine tank top-off instead? Click here!

Receiving this task in the app means you've already completed the tasks for evaluating your plants for plant food readiness, and moved any yCubes that were not ready from your Gardyn to a Nursery to continue germinating.

How to Add Plant Food for the First Time

How much plant food you add depends on how much water is in your tank. Look at your task to know how many gallons of water you can safely add to your tank. The following table outlines each scenario based on water tank capacity. Don't forget to complete the task in your app when you're done!


Note that the plant food-to-water ratio you use for this first time (1 teaspoon:1 gallon or 1 teaspoon:1/2 gallon) is different from the ratio you'll need to top off your tank afterward. When topping off, always dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of plant food in 1 gallon of water at a time. Your task in the app will remind you of the correct top-off ratio each week.


  • Adding a little warm (not hot!) water can help dissolve the plant food faster.

  • We suggest upcycling common 1-gallon containers, such as water jugs, milk cartons, or other similar containers. Just make sure the container is clean before using it for the first time!

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