Gardyn 1.0 & 2.0

Gardyn Home Kit 1.0 & 2.0 Anatomy
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 1: Discover Your Gardyn
Welcome to the Gardyn Family! Become familiar with your Gardyn 1.0 or 2.0. You'll learn pro tips for setting up and get an introduction to the differe...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 2: Unpack the Main Box
Your Gardyn 1.0 or 2.0 arrived! Let the fun begin by unpacking your Gardyn from the main box and preparing for assembly. >>> Next step: Assemble the...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 3: Assemble the Columns
With your Gardyn unpacked, it's time to assemble the columns. Watch the video to learn how!     When assembling the columns, you want to pay special a...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 4: Mount the Lid on the Water Tank
Things are really coming together. You have the box unpacked and the columns assembled, so you're now ready to mount the lid to the water tank and unp...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 5: Mount the Lights
Follow the video to learn how to connect your lights and cameras to your lid.     >>>Next step: Connect the irrigation hoses Questions? Reach us at...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 6: Connect the Irrigation Hoses
You're getting close to having your Gardyn completely assembled!  Watch the video to learn how to connect the irrigation hoses from the bottom of each...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 7: Install the Columns
Watch the video to learn how to install the columns!       >>>Next step: Mount the blades   Questions? Reach us at , or chat w...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 8: Mount the Blades
Watch the video to learn how to mount the blades.   >>> Next step: Fill the tank   Questions? Reach us at , or chat with us! W...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 9: Fill the tank with water only
Fill the water tank with 3 gallons of tap water only , and no plant food, when you start germinating your plants. You can pour water directly into you...
Gardyn 1.0-2.0, Step 10: Install the yCubes (Your Plants!)
Hooray, it's time to plant your yCubes! You may choose to plant fewer than the 30 yCubes in your Welcome Kit. Just be sure to cover any open yPods (th...