How do I know when to add water?


You should add 3 gallons of tap water only (no plant food!) when you set up your Gardyn, whether it's a Gardyn Home or Gardyn Studio.

Once your Gardyn is powered on and paired, Kelby will take it from there! Kelby will send you alerts and detailed tasks when it's time to add water. Kelby will let you know if you should add just water, or water with plant food, so there's no guessing.

You do not need to turn your Gardyn off when adding water through the lid's watering compartment, which is the small hole with the removable wooden lid. When adding water in a tank refresh, for example, the upper half of your Gardyn will be disconnected from your tank and the power will be off before you add water. Kelby will always send you a task with helpful instructions so you know how and when to add water each time.

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