Meet your Gardyn Studio


Congratulations on your new Gardyn Studio, and welcome to the Gardyn family! Let's get growing.

Ideally, your Gardyn should be placed in a location near a power outlet that receives a decent WiFi signal and is well-ventilated, with room temperatures remaining in the 68-80°F range and humidity levels in the 50-70% range. Remember, this unit is for indoor use only.

After setup, your Gardyn will be ready to welcome your first sprouts in a matter of days! Let's take a tour of the main components.

Your device features a 4-gallon water tank. The lid is securely held in place on top of the tank by 2 side locks.

The 2 columns with 16 branches hold your plants. The columns also house the irrigation system, which circulates the water throughout your device.

On the front of your Gardyn is 1 LED light bar with a camera that connects your device with Kelby, your smart Gardyning assistant.

The upper and lower blades, the light protective cap, and the metal rod connect the light to the columns and complete the structure."

We also include 2 safety straps on the back of the device, so you can affix it to your wall. Screw directly into a wood stud when available. In the absence of a stud, use the appropriate anchor and screw for your wall type.

The main switch is on the back of the device, where the power supply neatly plugs in.

The silver button on top of the lid allows you to manually switch the lights on or off with a single short press.

The wood cap reveals the watering compartment in your Gardyn's lid, where you pour water directly into the tank.

Inside the compartment, you'll see the water pump's handle securely held in place.

Make sure the water pump is in the lowered position, and the compartment's wood cap in place, whenever you are operating the device.

Your Gardyn comes with 16 yPods, which hold the plants in the columns.

You also receive a Welcome Kit with 16 pre-seeded capsules, called yCubes, to choose from to start your Gardyn.

You don't have to plant all 16 at once!

If you are beginning with fewer than 16 plants, be sure to cover the open slots to block anything from entering your columns, including light. Gardyn Caps are an easy solution for this.

Now, let's get started assembling your Gardyn, so you can get growing!

>>> Next step: Unpacking

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