Checking yCubes Germinating off your Gardyn: Are they ready for plant food?


Once you've moved yCubes from your Gardyn to your Nursery (or a tray with a ventilated lid) to continue germinating, it's important to check their development every few days. Each yCube only needs to meet 1 of the 3 signs to be ready for plant food. When a yCube is ready for plant food, place it in a yPod and add it back to your Gardyn. 

Sign 1: True leaves

These are the second set of leaves to grow after the first leaves, which are called cotyledons. While cotyledons may not resemble the mature plant's leaf shape or color, true leaves do.

  • Tip: If you're unsure what your plant looks like when mature, check out its page in the Plant Book!

Learn more about differentiating cotyledons from true leaves here.

Kale cotyledons (left) and later with true leaves (right)

Sign 2: Roots .5-inch long from the bottom of the yCube

Roots this length are mature enough to handle the added nutrients, while less developed roots can be too shocked to efficiently absorb them.

plant food ready root half inch_highlight.jpeg

.5-Inch roots growing out from the bottom of a Chives yCube

Sign 3: Yellowing cotyledons

The first leaves run out of nutrients as germination comes to a close, which can lead to yellowing or withering.


Yellowing cotyledons after a true leaf has grown

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