When will my Gardyn water for the first time?
Kelby will activate your Gardyn's first watering cycle within a few hours of you setting it up and turning it on. Depending on the time of day you do this, your first watering may not occur until the following morning.
What if I didn't see or hear the first watering?
It's possible you didn't hear or notice it at the exact time it was happening, but Kelby will send you a message to let you know that the first watering is complete. Kelby will also reach out if your yCubes look dry for any reason, so no need to wait around for the watering cycle - Kelby's got your back either way!
When will my Gardyn water itself after the first time?
After the first water cycle, Kelby will let your seeds soak up the water for a few days to about a week, as overwatering can actually slow their growth down. You may not notice the second watering cycle, but Kelby will send you a message to confirm it's happened.
Kelby will also let you know to expect new watering times as your schedule shifts along with your plants' growth. This is a super cool feature called Smart Watering which lets Kelby manage your water schedule for the best and fastest growth.
Questions? Reach us at support@mygardyn.com, or chat with us. We're here to help!