Treating Pests: Fungus Gnats


Pests are a natural part of Gardyning. Despite your best prevention efforts, pests can happen, but it’s okay! If you or Kelby have identified fungus gnats on your Gardyn, keep reading for our recommended treatment plan.

Not sure you have fungus gnats? Compare what you see to the table here.

Fungus Gnat Control

Fungus gnats have two life stages, larva, and gnat, that must be treated separately to fully eradicate the issue. Continue treatment until you no longer see the pests or new signs of their damage.

Treating Adult Gnats

Adult fungus gnats are more of a visual nuisance, and do not cause any direct damage. To help limit them, you can add flypaper or yellow sticky traps to your Gardyn to attract and catch the gnats.

You may also consider using a bug-catching device (like this) as a great addition or alternative to the sticky traps. The devices have just one up-front cost and require no chemicals or additives. 

Treating Larvae

To treat fungus gnat larvae, we recommend treating the surface of your yCubes’ rockwool with an organic spray such as this to kill the larvae by drying them out. This spray is safe to use around pets and children, just be sure to follow the directions on the product label. Reapply the spray every three days to fully disrupt and end the larvae’s life cycle.

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