Treating Pests: Ants


Pests are a natural part of Gardyning. Despite your best prevention efforts, pests can happen, but it’s okay! If you or Kelby have identified ants on your Gardyn, keep reading for our recommended treatment plan.

Not sure you have ants? Compare what you see to the table here.


To treat ants, place ant traps that fit the safety needs of your home near and around your Gardyn. Leave the traps in place and replace them as needed until you no longer see ants on or around your Gardyn.

Often, ants are attracted to a sticky substance called honeydew on leaves. The ants are not causing the honeydew, but they favor it as a food source. Aphids and whiteflies create honeydew as they feed on plants, so if you have ants, check for honeydew. Then, learn how to identify aphids and whiteflies since they may already be present as well. 

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