Using the Gardyn Vase



Gardyn Vase At a Glance

Add a pop of beauty to any room and harvest your favorite plants right from your kitchen counter with the Gardyn Vase, designed to make rotating plants from Gardyn to Vase and back a snap.

  • Best suited for mature plants

  • Fill with water up to the colored sleeve's top edge

  • Rotate plants between Vase and Gardyn every 2 days

  • Use the extra yPod and Cap to cap off the spot left empty on your Gardyn

How do I use the Gardyn Vase?

First, pour about 2 inches of water into your vase so it comes up to around where the colored sleeve ends. (You can add up to 3.5 inches, but no more, or you’ll get some overflow once you add your plant!) The water helps stabilize your vase, especially if you're using it with a larger plant.

Then, select which plant you'd like to move from your Gardyn to your vase. Take the plant, including its yPod, and slide it directly into the vase's opening. The yPod will only fit one way, and will match the orientation of the yPods on your Gardyn with the opening facing up. The yPod's top edge will remain slightly above the vase, snugging your plant into place.

Place your vase wherever you'd like to enjoy your plant's beauty!

Note: The Gardyn Vase is designed to display, not grow or permanently house, your plants.

What do I do with the yPod and Pod Cap that came with my vase?

Use the extra yPod and Pod Cap to close off the spot left empty on your Gardyn when you place a plant in your vase. This helps prevent anything unwanted from entering or growing inside your device, such as algae. Already have some Gardyn Caps? You can use one instead of the Pod Cap and skip the yPod!


How long can a plant stay in the vase?

To maintain your plant's health, we recommend keeping it in the vase for up to 2 days in a place with bright light.

If you'd like to enjoy your plant in the vase longer, simply pop the whole plant including its yPod back onto your Gardyn after the 2 days and leave it on your Gardyn for at least 12 hours/2 waterings. This ensures your plant receives enough fresh water and plant food in the correct ratio from your water tank.

We do not recommend leaving your plant in the vase long-term as it can limit its access to light, plant food, and oxygen (through stagnant water).

What is the little opening on top of the vase for?

This is a watering compartment so you can easily pour more water into your yPod as needed without removing the plant. We suggest adding fresh water once a day to fill the yPod until you place it back on your Gardyn, which we recommend doing every 2 days.


Should I add plant food to my vase?

No, adding plant food to your vase can cause algae to grow inside the vase and could cause root rot on your plant. Instead, we recommend rotating your plant from the vase and back to your Gardyn every 2 days, and leaving it on your Gardyn for at least 12 hours/2 waterings, to ensure it receives enough fresh water and plant food in the correct ratio from your water tank.

Can I use my vase with any plant?

We recommend using your vase with full-grown plants rather than sprouts and seedlings. Younger plants are more sensitive to environmental changes and depend on specific environmental conditions to grow healthily. Mature plants will be better able to handle the different light and temperature levels when rotating between your Gardyn and the vase.

How do I clean my vase?

Hand wash your vase with soap and water before switching to a new plant. Use a bottle brush if needed.

What is the vase made of?

The vase is made of the same food-grade material as our Gardyn columns, while its colorful sleeve is silicone.

What colors does the vase come in?

The vase comes in three beautiful colors inspired by Gardyn harvests: Cauliflower White, Sage Green, and Red Amaranth.


Questions? Reach us at, or chat with us. We're here to help!